如何使用 ZV-E10 完善你的旅遊影片 @jordentually

by Jorden Tually

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「我選擇使用 Sony ZV-E10,它是我展開旅程的必備夥伴。這款相機的獨特之處,就在於可換式鏡頭。」

Jorden Tually 是一名澳洲旅遊網紅,他以不同的模式拍攝影片,讓他的旅行影音部落格更上一層樓。觀看影片以了解更多細節。



Jorden 背景簡介

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After travelling for so many years, the ZV-E10 has become my favourite vlogging camera. Here’s why. Sony cameras have incredible autofocus and the ZV-E10 camera has 2 particular features that take travel vlogging to the next level.

To start off, this camera has a feature called Product Showcase. Whenever you want to showcase a product, all you have to do is hold it up and the camera instantly recognises the product and focuses directly on it. The item can be as small as the little metal tabs on soda cans, and the ZV-E10 camera will still focus on it straight away.

As for the second feature, check out the video below to find out! Here’s a hint – it helps vloggers keep the camera on them.

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使用 ZV-E10 隨走隨拍

In 2015, I left Australia and took a 6-month gap year with my first Sony mirrorless camera. But just like all good stories go, I ended up falling in love – not with a girl but with travelling.

Soon after, I picked up the Sony ZV-E10 which became my go-to camera for life on the road. What makes this camera truly unique is its interchangeable lens capability. It has allowed me to get a wide range of shots without the need to carry multiple cameras, which is great for travel vloggers.

Having visited over 70 countries, my landscape always changes. But I’m happy to say that my camera doesn’t have to.


使用 ZV-E10 展開環遊世界之旅

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