用 ZV-1 拍下第一段寵物影片 @shawnekoh

by Shawne Koh

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「ZV-1 相機非常好用,讓我隨時隨地拍攝,不但便攜,同時亦兼具質素。」

來自新加坡的 Shawne Koh 是一位旅行影片製作人,他透過低角度拍攝,巧妙地捕捉到其小狗 Angel 畫面細緻的片段和精彩瞬間。



關於 Shawne

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ZV-1 的使用貼士和秘訣

使用 Sony 的拍攝手柄

When filming my dog Angel, I always make sure to shoot at her eye level to showcase a better viewing perspective. Having Sony’s shooting grip is helpful here as it allows me to effectively shoot at low angles and get more stable shots while I’m running alongside her.

In addition, I also turn on the active image stabilisation in my ZV-1 camera to cut out all of the bumps when I’m just out and about, running and chasing her.


I love documenting the unique experiences that I’ve encountered in life and creating stories out of them. 

Because I often have to capture both well-planned shots and spontaneous moments, the ZV-1 camera is great because it allows me to have the balance of quality and portability when I’m shooting on the go.


用 ZV-1 相機拍片

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